Fingerling Seed Potatoes - AmaRosa

$10.00 $14.00

Shipping begins 1st week of April

You get 6 potatoes (which can be planted whole or cut into more seed pieces) + detailed instructions for planting, harvesting, tips, and more

AmaRosa Seed Potato

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Small Fingerling Potato
Oval Shape
Pink Flesh with Pink/Red Skin
Excellent quality and yields well (meaning produces alot)
Mid Summer Harvest
Great for salads, roasted, boiled, grilled or in soups
Pink color does not fade with cooking - makes FUN Pink Potato Chips!

Sets up to 40 tubers per hill
Determinate Variety - producing potatoes in 1 layer

Home grown potatoes are fresher, more flavorful, and healthier for you. A small number of seed potatoes will yield a few buckets of potatoes ready to eat and enjoy and can be stored throughout the winter months.

Zone 4-9